The Path to Success
In an article entitled “Waking Up, College Admissions,”USA TODAY interviewed me about what makes great essays great.
The guy who interviewed me asked: “Do college essays really make that much of a difference?”
“Are you kidding me?” I said.
From years of working in admissions myself, I know the answer to that question.
“They sure do!”
Competition as it is these days — lots of A students out there with test scores off the charts — the college essay has become the golden key to unlock the door to your dreams.
The college essay(s) must not only be original, clever and inspired, they (and there are often more than one required for each school) must also reflect in two dimensions the breadth and depth of a three-dimensional person any school would be hard put to turn away.
At New Vision Learning, we help students find the hidden facets of their experience and develop them into beautifully crafted essays that go beyond what they thought possible.
“I wanted to write an essay that would get me into college, “Andrew C. said, “but the truth was, I didn’t even know how to write an essay. What I ended up with was better than I ever imagined. And I finally learned to write!” (finishing at UC Berkeley, applying to Med School).
It takes a very extraordinary set of skills to bring out the best in students and to help students learn to write.
Writing is an art and a craft all rolled into one. To truly succeed at writing, one must be able to find the magic and know what to do with it. It takes a wizard to teach students how to write. I know because I’ve been doing it for upwards of thirty years — and when I get busy and try to hire someone to help me out, to do what I do, I find it nearly impossible. If you’re reading this and feel like you have what it takes, please contact me.
We also help with:
Essays for English/History/Humanities
Poetry and Analytical Writing
Creative Writing
AP Literature Preparation
SAT/ACT Essays
SAT II Writing Subject Tests
Grant Writing
Cover Letters for Internships/Jobs/Scholarships
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New Vision Learning is About Helping Students Get into the College(s) of Their Dreams
94% Acceptance into Top Choice Schools
180-300 Point Increase on SAT’s