Targeted, One-on-One Help
Let’s face it, when it comes to standardized tests such as the ACT’s and SAT’s, results are what count!
What does this mean?
It means a student walks in with a 1300 and walks about with a 1560!
At New Vision Learning, we get results — superior results — through time-tested techniques and strategies.
Recently, a student came into my office. She had scores of 700 on Verbal and 720 on Math.
“Can you really help our daughter raise these scores?” her parents asked. “We’re afraid if she takes the test again, her scores will go down.”
Getting high scores higher is one of my special gifts!
Later, at a conference of Independent College Counselors, a colleague told me I was crazy. He brought me to a website that showed me what the chances of my succeeding really were.
“I don’t want to know,” I said. “And I don’t really care.”
In fact, I helped her raise her scores to 780/800 in just over 8 weeks.
It turned out the chances of this were only 3%!
I knew I could do it because I have done it so many times before.
Think about our friend the bumble bee. How do those delicate, transparent wings really get that fat, furry little body off the ground?
No one really knows. In fact, the flight of bees defies the laws of aerodynamics. And yet . . . who goes around pollinating our trees?
Knowledge plus test-taking strategies plus confidence equals success.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that.
There’s no reason to panic and every reason to prepare!
These days, if you don’t look ahead, you fall behind.
Having trained tutors who came to us from Revolution, Compass, Elite, Kaplan, Princeton Review, Ivy West and Score, I know first-hand that the strategies I use at New Vision Learning far surpass those of any other test preparation course out there today.
We often see students who come to us because they have not gotten the results they desire elsewhere.
We get the results. And have fun along the way!
How do we do it? Give us a call and we’ll tell you!
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New Vision Learning is About Helping Students Get into the College(s) of Their Dreams
94% Acceptance into Top Choice Schools
180-300 Point Increase on SAT’s