College Acceptances 2019!
You have put blood, sweat and tears into the last few years. You\’ve studied for SAT\’s or ACT\’s, you\’ve done well in your classes, you\’ve dotted all your i\’s and crossed all your t\’s — and then you hurry up and wait!
Finally, the moment comes. You open the letter . . . and . . .

All your hard work paid off!
This is the experience of almost every one of my students. A lot of people will tell you they get kids into the schools of their dreams. At New Vision Learning, it\’s true. Usually our acceptance rates are between 93%-94%. This year we have a 95% acceptance into top choice schools.
What makes the difference?
Expert, personal, targeted, one-on-one help from someone who knows and someone who cares.
Finding the right schools for each student. Helping each student find their own voice and express it in the form of the college essay(s). Helping students identify their goals and dreams, and guiding them in how to realize those dreams, one smart step at a time.
While we don\’t yet know which schools our students will choose to attend, we do know where they\’ve been accepted.
Here is the list of schools to which New Vision Learning students have been accepted for 2020!
MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Columbia, Wesleyan, UCLA, UCBerkeley, UC Davis, UCSan Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, Lewis & Clark, Oberlin, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Colgate, Sarah Lawrence, Boston College, Boston University, Emerson, UIUC, RPI, Harvey Mudd, Williams, Amherst, Reed, UW, Michigan, Wisconsin, Madison, Barnard, Colorado College, Tulane, Duke, Emory, GW, Georgetown, American University, UNC Chapel Hill, UT Austin, Texas A & M, Carnegie Mellon, University of Pennsylvania, Tufts, Brown, Otis, Pratt, RISD, Cal Arts, UCSF, Yale, Princeton, New School for Social Research, Fordham, Pomona, Pitzer, Claremont McKenna, Scripps, Arizona State, University of Colorado, Boulder.
I am confident I can help pretty much every student who comes to me.
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