Enrolling Students Now for the 2019-2020 Academic Year
Most people come to me with a nagging sense that there are things they need to do to help their kids get into college. They just don’t quite know what those things are.
Start Early to Get Ahead
The fact is, the college process has gotten very complicated. It’s not like it was when we applied to college! Now there are three types of applications — the Common App, the Coalition App, the Universal App! Would it be better to take the SAT or the ACT? What about SAT 2s? Summer programs? Internships? Extracurriculars? And the college essays, of which there can be up to 25! What’s a parent to do?
That’s where New Vision Learning comes in.
It’s important to get a roadmap for this journey — to find out what needs to be done when. And to start early!
So often I end up saying to juniors: “I wish I’d met you two years ago!”

I’m already almost booked for January and February is beginning to fill up fast.
The First Step is Always a Conversation.
Don’t wait to book an INITIAL Consultation. By the end of this session, you will have a very clear idea of everything you need to know between now and the finish line. You will know exactly what to do when to optimize the chances your son or daughter will get into the college of his or her dreams. When you leave this session, you will have a roadmap to help you navigate what has become a very complicated college process.
And don’t forget: The first official SAT test date in 2019 is March 9. The ACT will be given on February 9. That’s only days away! If you haven’t already started preparing, start now.