Join Gabrielle Glancy Voices on the Road to College: Wednesdays and Sundays at 4pm PST/7pm EST on Facebook Live
Very inspiring! Thank you, Gabrielle Glancy for doing this! It gave me comfort and inspiration. You have a lovely voice and these essays are amazing!Great idea. I’d love to see you do more of these!Beautiful. Love it! Thank you for sharing.Thank you so much for doing this! This young writer gives me optimism, as does […]

What the Coronavirus Means for College Admissions
How College Admissions is Affected by the Coronavirus

Best College Essays 2020 Deadline Extended to April 15th
In the process of writing what is surely the most important essay of their lives, Gabrielle Glancy writes, students are called upon to reach deep inside themselves for what moves them, while reaching toward the world they will soon enter. In these essays, you will find this yearning, as students unfold their stories, first to […]

Call for Submissions: The Best of Best College (Admissions) Essays
$1000 First Prize for Best College ESsays 2020

SAT Basics: What You Need to Know But No One Tells You
The SAT has become such a household word that everyone assumes they know how to prepare for the test, what the test consists of, and even what to bring the day of the SAT. No so.

Navigating the College Maze, the Worry-Free Way
You have a nagging sense there are lots of things you need to do, you’re just not sure what they are.
The College Process has become a complicated maze. Most people need help in navigating it.

The College Admissions Scandal and What It Shows Us
The day after news of the college admissions scandal broke, WIRED magazine called to ask me for an interview. A previous partner was one of the founding editors of WIRED — I thought she had given them my name. In fact, they had heard about me through the grapevine and then googled me in search […]

Gabrielle Glancy Featured in Elephant Journal: Walking on Air
I found UNSTUCK to be very enjoyable, on top of being astute, and above all, useful. The playfulness in it, and Glancy’s personal voice, undoubtedly make it all the more readable and therapeutic for any struggling writer — especially for its target reader, the college applicant. Margaret Crastnopol, PhD Gabrielle Glancy Featured in Elephant Journal […]